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Speech + Language Therapy

Someone special taught me: "love needs no words"

Quiet kiddos often have the loudest minds

Whether children have language skills, they can sign, or they can point to a picture, they communicate. Even if they are non-verbal and not able to do any of these things, they can still communicate. And guess what? The so-called “meltdowns” …those are also a form of communication.

The job of Hopebridge’s licensed speech and language pathologists and SLP assistants is to teach our kiddos how to communicate what they want in a way that can be understood by others. This ranges from developing oral motor control to make sounds and words, all the way to participating in conversations to create meaningful relationships. We also offer augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for children who may need a different way to find their voices.

If you have concerns, come to us early in your child’s developmental stages. While all children achieve milestones at different paces, it doesn’t hurt to ease your worries with a diagnostic or speech therapy evaluation. The effects could be life-changing.

A bridge to self-expression and stronger relationships.

Our speech therapists look through the lens of a pediatric population to build language skills kids need from the beginning. They provide engaging and functional activities focused on strengthening areas of weakness. From understanding receptive language and using expressive language to developing articulation, pitch, fluency and volume, our experienced professionals have the knowledge and innovation to give your kiddo new tools for home life, school life and a brighter future.

Who can benefit from speech therapy?

Speech and language therapy can help with disorders that inhibit a child’s ability to communicate basic wants and needs. Some children only need help with language. Others have problems with the mechanics of speech. Hopebridge specialists can assist with a range of concerns, including:

  • Autism
  • Developmental delays
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
  • Voice and resonance disorders
  • Challenges with stuttering and articulation
  • Difficulty processing and/or expressing language
  • Hearing impairments
  • Dysphagia and swallowing difficulties
  • Feeding challenges

A parent’s path to a diagnosis

Don’t just take our word for it. Read about one parent’s journey to helping her child find her voice and how it changed both of their lives.


From Non-Verbal to Counting to 10!

This is one proud mama! Watch the smiles as Aurora achieves this exciting milestone.

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