Clinical Application of the CFQL-2
February 28, 2023
February 28, 2023
BHCOE ABA Assessment Workshop Series
This webinar will introduce the Child and Family Quality of Life – Second Edition (CFQL-2) instrument and its use in clinical practice to measure psychosocial quality of life in individuals and families with autism spectrum disorder or related neurodevelopmental conditions. The webinar will initially focus on the development and validation of the tool, including recently collected normative data. Next, the presentation will cover the structure of the tool, including the subscales and their interpretation. Finally, the talk will describe clinical application of the instrument, with a particular emphasis on longitudinal collection in the context of behavioral intervention. Presented by Dr. Thomas W. Frazier, PhD.
Webinar Length: 1.5 Hours
CEU Type: General
Number of CEUs: 1.5