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Behavior Support Training for Schools

Empowering Educators, Enriching Lives

Want to nurture inclusive classrooms and foster growth for the students in your special education programs? Partner with Hopebridge Autism Therapy Centers to elevate learning environments through professional development services for schools.

Find Out More About Hopebridge’s School-Based Training Programs

As leaders in autism care for nearly two decades, we understand the unique needs of children with developmental delays and differing abilities, as well as those of the schools that aim to ensure their students have the best possible educational achievement and support.

This is why we’re thrilled to partner with schools and share Hopebridge’s comprehensive behavior support training programs with educators like you. Our focus is on equipping teachers and staff with top-quality training; empowering them with the tools to foster a compassionate yet growth-focused learning experience for every student. From classroom setup to behavior management to specially designed instruction, we are here to help you and your team make a meaningful impact.

How Hopebridge partners with schools through the training we offer:

  • Professional development
    We offer a universal and focused professional development (PD) seminar series around topics that are customized for your school/district based off a needs-driven assessment. These training opportunities can be used as professional growth plans (PGPs) for teachers.
  • In-class observation and consultation
    This is where your school/district will put knowledge into action. We dedicate time to the practical implementation of the PD topics through in-person observation and coaching support for teachers and paraprofessionals.
  • Individual student support
    Should your school need more in-depth support, partnering with our team offers more direct, yet short-term services that include designing, training and analyzing student-behavior programming in the classroom, as well as transition support.

Ready to take the next step for more school support?

Fill out the form below to start the conversation about how Hopebridge can partner with your school or district for a brighter future.

About Hopebridge

Serving children with autism since 2005, Hopebridge offers early intensive behavioral interventions through interdisciplinary programs focused on communication, social skills, adaptive living skills, school preparation and more. We want our kids to be ready with the biggest and best of milestones so they can transition into the least-restrictive environment with the most skills and least support required.

Hopebridge is one of the leading autism therapy providers in the United States with more than 100 locations, but personalized, compassionate care remains at our core. We give children the support they need to flourish, which is evidenced by the 95% of caregivers who have stated their child is still attending school after transitioning out of therapy with Hopebridge.

What Does Research Tell Us?

Research-Informed Consultation

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Educators Want More Support

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Desire for More Behavior Expertise

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Gaps in Implementation

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Teachers Need Training

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View Research-Informed Consultation

Teachers, are you struggling with implementation of your behavior plan? Do you feel you are missing the proper training or resources?

You’re right. The research tells us you are lacking resources. At Hopebridge, we’re research-informed and we know you must be feeling this way.

Click through the tabs here for a peek at the challenges and into how our consultants can help schools overcome them so you can feel confident while making an impact on your students’ outcomes.

View Educators Want More Support

History shows that organizations used many one-size-fits-all approaches to behavior in the past but are now shifting to more data-driven and individualized approaches. We are happy to see these behavior systems moving in the right direction, though research shows educators need more support with this adoption.

When conducting the study for “Perspectives on the Initial Adoption of Multitiered Systems of Support for Behavior,” researchers asked educators for their perspectives and barriers when adopting these behavior systems. The response was clear. A majority of district-level representatives, school administrators, school counselors, school psychologists and teachers said they need more support for teachers and staff to handle student behavior. Challenges include limited buy-in, lack of staff expertise, insufficient training and a concern over reactive responses.

As a consultant with a strong knowledge of school-based programs and specializes in behavior plans, Hopebridge can help school districts overcome these widespread issues with the proper resources and training to provide educators with the support they need to give their students the best possible opportunities for academic achievement.

View Desire for More Behavior Expertise

Across the country, there are vastly different experiences for behavior analysis in schools. Many school-based programs do not have a dedicated behavior analyst on staff, but rather share with multiple schools, which can leave school staff and families wanting more.

Data from “Roles and Responsibilities of School-Based Behavior Analysts: A Survey” shows that even when there is a dedicated behavior analyst, most do not provide direct services to students. The study suggests that schools seem to struggle with how to best utilize and support these professionals, which may be attributed to educators having limited knowledge of ABA.

If you do not have a behavior analyst or someone who specializes in this work on site, a consultant should be the next step to overcome these barriers. Our team can provide teachers and paraprofessionals with the proper training to build their own knowledge and expertise around behavior support, including learning how to work with behavior analysts or on their own to apply ABA principles and improve practices in schools.

View Gaps in Implementation

Throughout their own education, teachers receive limited training and support around classroom management, leaving a gap between their knowledge and implementation for their students. Because of this, it’s up to school leaders to provide efficient and effective professional development supports for their staff.

Unfortunately, many teachers still have ongoing concerns about student behavior and are frustrated due to a lack of support in this area. Studies show that comprehensive training, coaching and feedback improve outcomes for teachers and students. According to “The Effects of Targeted Professional Development on Teachers’ Use of Empirically Supported Classroom Management Practices,” participation in targeted professional development supplies teachers with the skills and practices that can ultimately lead to more student engagement and learning.

This is where Hopebridge can make a difference. Through professional development, we can fill in the implementation gaps to empower your team as they teach to provide the best learning experience for your students.

View Teachers Need Training

We know teachers are busy. Most school districts do not have behavior analysts or staff with much Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) training. Research shows us that this can lead to ineffective responses.

The study, “Barriers to Implementing Behavior Intervention Plans,” surveyed teachers about their concerns as it relates to behavior plan implementation. From inconsistency with implementation across staff, to a lack of time and staff to handle BIP development and implementation, the data shows that teachers and paraprofessionals need more resources.

We know consistency is crucial to the success of these programs. Through consultation, Hopebridge can ensure consistency in implementation, which starts with training. Our team’s experience in the classroom and in center-based school readiness programs helps us understand the classroom context well enough to work directly with schools to create behavior intervention plans that are realistic and effective.